Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels
The Building Technologies Program believes that Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels (CSIPs) have an important role to play in future of the building industry. To this end, FAS has performed numerous studies of CSIPS, including strength and seismic tests, as well as evaluations of the most effective methods of utilizing them in construction. As a result of these studies, FAS offers technical recommendations and building guides and toolkits on how to best make use of and best practices for building with CSIPs.
Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels. This report provides monitoring and analysis comparing the construction activities, costs and timreframe and energy efficiency of panelized houses in Turkey and in the American Gulf Coast. Included are recommendations on the use of SIPs, future construction and international cooperation.
CSIP Info Kit. A preliminary overview of CSIP technology produced for FAS's Pankow Foundation grant investingating multi-story applications of CSIPs. This report includes general information regarding CSIP technology, code conformance issues, acceptance criteria for SIP panels, and common connection details.
CSIP Info Kit Presentation. A presentation by Brian Douherty of FAS to the American Society of Civil Engineers. Presentation outlines FAS's work in CSIP testing and offers practical recommendations on how to utilize CSIPs in construction.